Transition Week: August 28th - September 1st

We are so excited to welcome our students and families, and to help ease into our very first week of school, we’ve set out the following transition week to allow everyone a chance to slide into our new home and our new daily routines. Please see below for our schedule of events.

Monday, August 28th

SEN Open House by Invitation Only from 8:30 - 10:00 am. This event is for families with children who may need a little extra time to explore the school in a quieter environment. This event is by invitation only, and those parents will be contacted by August 15th.

Tuesday, August 29th

Open House for All Students and Parents

  • This is an optional opportunity for students and their parents to visit the school at any time between 9-10.30am for a “self-guided tour” of the site including the grounds, the classrooms, and other shared community spaces.

  • Pop into your child(ren)’s classroom and greet the teacher and learning assistants (please note this is simply an informal introduction and “hello” rather than a formal meeting) there will be an opportunity for parents to meet with teachers more formally at our Parent Evening scheduled for 14th September.

  • Health and Safety Note: We ask children not to use the playground equipment while visiting the school today as final preparations are still being made to ensure safety.

Wednesday, August 30th: 8:30 - 10:00am

A required morning for ALL children in Reception, Years 1 and 2 to meet their teacher and their classmates, as well as to familiarize themselves with classroom routines, procedures, and expectations.

  • Children are to come wearing their new uniforms, including hats if they have one, as well as with a water bottle and school bag (for practice on how to organize their belongings once at school). Snack and lunch are NOT needed for today.

  • In class, children will be involved in a few “getting to know you” activities. They will also have an opportunity to play outside.

  • Drop off will be as follows:

  1. Parents may choose to drive and drop off or to park (circled green) and accompany (circled red) their children to the drop off point under the Cabana at the front of the school.

  2. Year 2 will enter by the gate leading to the football field and proceed to the playground to the rear of the school.

  3. Reception and Year 1 will enter via the gate leading to their playground area.

  4. We ask all parents who choose to accompany their children to the gates to stop at the gate and allow staff to walk children to their classrooms. This will help make the transition into school much smoother for all children.

  5. In the event of rain, all children may enter via the Cabana, walking down the covered walkway before entering through the breezeway beside the school office. Parents may choose to accompany children only as far as the classroom door.

  • Pick Up will be as follows:

  1. All children will be picked up from under the same Cabana as where they were dropped off. 

  2. In the event of rain, children will be waiting under the covered walkway to be picked up from under the Cabana.

Thursday, August 31st: 8:30 - 10:00am

A required morning for ALL children in Years 3 to 6 to meet their teacher and their classmates, as well as to familiarize themselves with classroom routines, procedures, and expectations.

  • Children are to come wearing their new uniforms, including hats if they have one, as well as with a water bottle and school bag (for practice on how to organize their belongings once at school). Snack and lunch are NOT needed for today.

  • In class, children will be involved in a few “getting to know you” activities. They will also have an opportunity to play outside.

  • Drop off will be as follows:

  1. Parents may choose to drive and drop off or to park (circled green) and accompany (circled red) their children to the drop off point under the Cabana at the front of the school.

  2. ALL children will enter by the gate leading to the football field and proceed to the playground to the rear of the school.

  3. We ask parents who choose to accompany their children to this gate to stop at the gate and allow staff to walk children to their classrooms. This will help make the transition into school much smoother for all children.

  4. In the event of rain, all children may enter school via the Cabana, walking down the covered walkway before entering through the breezeway beside the school office. Parents may choose to accompany children only as far as the classroom door.

  • Pick Up will be as follows:

  1. All children will be picked up from under the same Cabana as where they were dropped off.

  2. In the event of rain, children will be waiting under the covered walkway to be picked up from under the Cabana.

Friday, September 1st

ALL Students

  • Children are to come wearing their new uniforms, including hats if they have one, as well as with a water bottle and school bag.

  • Children in Years 5 and 6, and those in class Ri have PE today and should come wearing their PE kit rather than their uniform. (Please do not worry if this is forgotten and doesn’t happen. Children wearing their uniform will still be able to fully participate in PE for today.)

  • ALL children will need to bring their snack with those not ordering a lunch from YUM also needing to bring their lunch.

Drop off will be as follows:

  • Drop off for all will follow the same procedures as for the Orientation Day

  • Drop Off gates will open at 7.30am and remain open until 8am. Children arriving after 8am must enter school via the covered walkway and through the breezeway by the school office.

Pick Up will be as follows:

  • Pick Up for all will follow the same procedures as for the Orientation Day (2:30 for Reception; 2:45 for Years 1-6)

  • Please note that there will NOT be any After-School Care provision for today.

  • After-school Care will begin on Monday, 4th September.