Service Learning
At Island Primary our community is at our core, and we recognize the importance of helping each other achieve our goals. Preparing our students for a life of active, responsible, community engagement and service is a key part of our curriculum.
Service Learning in our school takes many forms. Students will engage in numerous and wide-ranging endeavors from fundraising and environmental initiatives to involvement with local and international service agencies worldwide. Through these efforts, students will gain insights into the problems faced by others and the satisfaction of knowing they may have made a difference.
All our students, from our youngest in Reception to our Year 6 leaders play an active role in keeping our school clean and green. From daily help in the canteen to collect compost materials and clean our spaces, to helping care for our Courtyard garden plants, we each play a part in caring for our surroundings.
You’re never too young to help others, and at Island Primary our students engage in a Peer Buddy system designed to help foster a stronger sense of our school family.
We love green! Our school has been designed with our environment at our core. This includes a school community garden which students will actively assist with to cultivate fruits and vegetables for our classes and families to enjoy.
Our KS2 students in Year 5 and 6 are invited to create and manage fund raising initiatives to support their chosen charities or activities. During our first year, the students raised funds to support the development of their community garden, whicw will pass the incoming year 6 class each year to manage.