School Day Life
Recognising life is busy enough, finding all of the relevant information about your child's school day should be effortless. Below you’ll find helpful information regarding school hours, lunches and snacks, clubs, after-school care and more. You may also feel free to contact us anytime at info@islandprimary.org for any questions you might have.
The school campus is open each day from 7:30am, with classes starting at 8am across all year groups.
Our Reception children will finish their day at 2:30, but may stay on site until 3pm to enjoy the gardens to help give parents a little more time for pickup.
Our Year 1 - 6 students day will finish at 2:45pm each day, and after care will be available from 3:00 - 5:30pm daily.
Our school office is open daily from 7:30am to 4:00pm.
From pencils to laptops, we’ll supply everything your child needs for school work. We ask parents to provide only the following -
Water Bottle clearly labelled
Lunch Kit (if your child is not participating in our catered lunch programme)
Island Primary will be pleased to provide After School Care programming for families who need a little extra time each day. Our programming runs until 5:30pm each evening.
Parents may pre-register for regular (daily) aftercare, however it is also available on a drop in basis for families to use as needed. Please see our full Afterschool Care and Club policy found here for more information.
Our Student Handbook is through our Parent Portal for all registered families to access. Details of access are provided at the commencement of school year, however please contact us on office@islandprimary.org for help.
Learning doesn’t just take place inside the classroom; it happens in all activities.
From sports, art, music, crafts and more, Island Primary offers a well-designed collection of afterschool clubs and co-curricular programming to expand on your child’s experience with us.
More information regarding our clubs and co-curriculars is sent to our families each term when clubs commence via Everest, but as always please email us at office@islandprimary.org for more information.
Our day starts with a healthy diet, and Island Primary encourages all students and staff to bring their water bottles each day which can be refilled at one of our many chilled water dispensers.
All children are required to bring a packed lunch every day if they are not participating in our daily lunchbox programme.
Parents are also asked to pack a small snack for their child if they would like to have mid morning.
At our 2023 open house events we were asked a number of questions which we have complied HERE for readers.