Island Primary Complaints Policy and Procedure

Island Primary values and respects each member of our school community and welcomes feedback on our provision. As such, we take complaints seriously and feel it is important to be proactive in finding a solution.

Should a complaint arise, we aim to:

·         Fully address the complaint and provide an effective response;

·         Ensure a full and fair investigation of the complaint;

·         Take appropriate action to rectify any issue and prevent it from happening again;

·         Encourage the resolution of concerns as quickly as possible;

·         Have due regard for the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved.


Should you wish to make a complaint regarding Island Primary, please complete a Complaint Form found here.

We do ask that complaints are presented in a timely manner for us to improve our service. Upon receipt of a complaint, a member of our leadership team will acknowledge receipt within 2 working days. A response will be sent within 5 working days.

In dealing with a compliant, we will:

·         Respect the privacy of the complainant;

·         Provide a timely response;

·         Give fair treatment to all concerned;

·         Give clear reasons for the decisions;

·         Ensure accurate feedback.

We ask that the complainant:

·         Raise issues in a timely manner;

·         Be respectful and courteous towards our staff members;

·         Provides accurate information in relation to the issues raised.

Once a resolution is reached, Island Primary will be proactive in utilizing any outcomes to form future decisions and improve practice within the school.